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Aew Collision Double Or Nothing Weekend

AEW Collision: Double or Nothing Weekend

Saturday Night's Main Event

Danielson and FTR Triumph in Tag Team Match

In the main event of Saturday night's AEW Collision: Double or Nothing weekend, Bryan Danielson and FTR emerged victorious in a highly anticipated tag team match. The trio faced off against Jeff Jarrett and Jay, and after a hard-fought battle, Danielson and FTR emerged victorious.

The match was filled with exciting twists and turns, and Danielson and FTR's chemistry as a team was undeniable. They worked together seamlessly, showcasing their unparalleled technical skills and in-ring prowess. Jarrett and Jay put up a valiant effort, but in the end, it was Danielson and FTR who had their hands raised in victory.

The win is a significant accomplishment for Danielson and FTR, and it further solidifies their status as one of the top teams in AEW. They will now look to continue their winning ways and climb the ranks of the tag team division.

Note: Please be aware that this article may contain spoilers for AEW Collision.
