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Dallas Mavericks Payroll Luka Doncics New Contract Extension Impacts Franchise

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Dallas Mavericks Payroll: Luka Doncic's New Contract Extension Impacts Franchise

Salary Breakdown and Contract Details

The Dallas Mavericks have made a major financial commitment to their star player, Luka Doncic, with a five-year, $207 million contract extension that kicks in for the 2023-24 season. The deal includes a 15% trade kicker, according to Bobby Marks.

Roster and Payroll Impact

Doncic's new contract significantly impacts the Mavericks' payroll structure. The team currently has a total payroll of approximately $140 million for the 2023-24 season, with Doncic's salary accounting for nearly half of that amount.

The Mavericks will need to make strategic roster decisions in the coming years to balance Doncic's high salary with other player contracts and stay under the NBA's salary cap.

Implications for Future Free Agency

Doncic's contract extension will also have implications for the Mavericks' future free agency plans. The team has several key players set to become unrestricted free agents in the next few years, including Spencer Dinwiddie and Christian Wood.

The Mavericks will need to carefully manage their salary cap situation to re-sign their own players while remaining competitive in the free agent market.

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